Makers Hackathon

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Make your closet dream reality

Your opportunity to make your dream reality in 48 hours with a team of makers.

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Makers Hackathon Makers Hackathon Makers Hackathon Makers Hackathon Makers Hackathon

Exclusively built for Makers Fellows.

Just like that forgotten shirt in your closet, we all have a project but we put it off until it is forgotten in a small space in our brain. Time to turn this project into reality.

48 hours.
Starting September 22nd.
Prizes and more coming...

Join the hackathon


  1. Announcing the Makers Hackathon

    You've got 3 weeks to assemble your team, brainstorm an idea, and register for the hackathon. Remember, action speaks louder than words! Don't overthink, you can change your idea after registration.

    Find your team
  2. Hackathon Begins!

    With your team and idea set, it's time to dive into the challenge. Let's transform dreams into reality. Innovate and set things in motion!

  3. Final 24 Hours of Building

    The finish line is near. Let's make these final moments count!

  4. Ended

    The Makers Hackathon will conclude on this day. We eagerly await the culmination of all your hard work and innovative ideas. Congrats!

  5. Awards Celebration 🎉

    The verdict is in! Join us for a live stream as we unveil the champions of the hackathon.